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Kings Creek Lodge - Australia


Kings Creek Station

Arriving at Kings Creek Station after hours of driving through endless red desert, you might be a little puzzled when confronted with a ramshackle petrol station, accompanied by a paddock of weary camels and a mist of dust. It’s initially hard to see why this working cattle station, established in 1982 by Ian and Lyn Conway, is a must-visit destination. Venture just a little further down a bumpy, dirt track, though, and you'll be presented by one of the most unique and luxurious glamping options in Australia's Northern Territory; the Dreamtime Escarpment. This sacred place was likely used by the First Australians over thousands of years and if you sit quietly and listen, rumour has it you will feel their presence and good will.


With a variety of packages offered, the Dreamtime Escarpment package allows discerning travellers to experience iconic territory camping with all the amenities of a top hotel. There are three safari tents which emerge from the natural escarpment as well as a cleverly constructed shared swimming pool made from corrugated iron. Other than staff reappearing at 6pm with your food hamper, it's perfectly normal  not seeing another soul. This serenity, offered in the middle of a staggering 1800-square-kilometre cattle station, has attracted A-list film stars and senior politicians, able to come and go as they please via the private airstrip. It's a testament to the laid-back Aussie discretion of the staff that I couldn't weasel out who they were. 

Kings Creek Lodge - outdoor dining
 Kings Creek Lodge - Droving Camp

The design consciously transports you to the wild, inhospitable frontier, a concept synonymous with Australian national identity. Feel free to admire artwork featuring a typical Territorian in a battered Akubra herding wild brummies and appreciate the furnishing, functional yet effortlessly stylish. There's a focus on sustainability wherever possible; solar-powered lights to guide your way, a campfire you’ll need to gather your own firewood for, as well as locally sourced food and wine. Glass in hand, watch the sunset from your wooden veranda, lighting up the BBQ to enjoy your self-cook hamper, before toasting marshmallows under Orion’s belt, or ‘the saucepan' as it’s better known in Oz.

Words by Jessica Pascoe

Photos by William Pascoe

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