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Kle Mens

Kle Mens

Based in Warsaw, Poland, visual artist Kle Mens is working with a variety of different mediums like painting, sculpture and video. She has her own original technique of using dozens of translucent layers of paint that are spread on bare wood, taking many months to complete. Her religious upbringing and tragic life events have heavily influenced her work. In her self-portraits, she takes the form of Catholic Saints and female martyrs, further exploring the role of religion, feminism and rebellion. Though she no longer considers herself religious, this topic is predominant throughout her creations.

Kle Mens, The Last Judgment, 2019

Kle Mens - Artist Portrait
Artist Studio

In her first UK solo show, named Hybrid Prophecy, Kle Mens makes a brave incantation, summoning both religious martyrs and mythological hybrids to evoke the formidable force of female transformation, which underlies all her work. This exhibition sees her revisiting the idolatry of female purity of her youth through the martyr’s series, with focus on those whose punishment was sex-related or sexuality-specific.


Hybrid Prophecy, 14 to 23 June 2019


Photos Provided by Kle Mens

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